Pop in for a visit…

Wondering what to expect?


When do we meet?

The whole congregation meets on Sunday mornings for either a more traditional service at 8.30am on a Sunday, or our family friendly service with kids church, at 10am.

During the week we have several home groups that run. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet others, to grow in your journey with God, or go to music groups with your kids.


Taking part in the service:

God has blessed us all! If you feel like your gift is doing a reading in the service, helping in the kitchen for Mainly Music sessions, or you would like to help serve tea after the services, please get in touch with one of the team.


Any more questions?

If you have some questions in mind that you know others might ask too, let Tina know and we will keep adding to this list.

How long are the Sunday services?

Our services run for approximately one hour. The 8.30am service is a wonderful structured balance between liturgy, organ music and in the NZ Prayer Books. After the service we all gather at the Muffin Break in the Johnsonville mall for some morning tea.

Our 10am service starts in the church, with all members together, before the kids move across to the hall, where they have programmes relevant for their age group. The 10am service is run by a worship band, and we enjoy some time in prayer, worship, learning from our wonderful clergy, guest speakers and each other. We walk together.


Can I join a small group midyear?

Absolutely! Some of our small groups are based on going through a study, some are grouped based on their stage in life, and connecting to God with others who speak their language. You are always welcome. Get in touch with us, and we will find a good fit for you, any time of the year.

You would like to pop in for a visit?

Sometimes it is great to just be able to join a service and really get a feel for our wonderful church family life quietly from the back. Some have preferred for us to know you are coming and be ready with some children to meet yours for kids’ church. Complete the following form if you would like a friendly welcome at the door.